Youth Citizens Action Programme – Powered by Empowervate

Out Mouths of YCAPers in 2015


Kamvalethu Rengque – Grade 10 learner at Solomon Mahlangu High, KwaNobuhle township, Eastern Cape

“I joined the YCAP team of my school when one of my teachers called me and told me what YCAP is, I was immediately excited because this was a chance for me to make a difference in my school and community also for us to make my mark and show everyone what a group of teens are capable of.

The Youth Citizens Action Program has helped me grow as a person. I have gained so many new skills , I can now speak in a hall full of people and before YCAP that would have been my worst nightmare , I can use a computer now and now know how to work with other people as one unit . All the skill I have learned are skills I can use in school and in my dream career that is being a business men (when I am pitching a idea , when I need investments and to work with my team .

YCAP gives us the youth a chance of taking a stand and solving the problems that are holding us as the youth back from prospering and being the best we can be . It is truly an amazing program and has been the highlight of my high school life !”

After his team won the Secondary School category of the YCAP National Championships on 25 July 2015 he said:

“I just wanted to say how much I appreciate YCAP. It was a way for me to make a difference and also grow as an individual. The motivational speakers at the Nationals changed the way I saw the world and I was shocked as to how much power words have and now I also want to motivate and inspire all people to take a stand. I have so much love and appreciate towards YCAP and the CEO”


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