Youth Citizens Action Programme – Powered by Empowervate

Award Ceremonies for National Champions

In November 2019, the Primary School Beginner and Advanced Category winners received their prizes at prestigious award ceremonies. The aim of the ceremonies is to celebrate the achievements of the teams, showcase the school and Department of Education’s roles in the achievements, as well as profile the learners as role models, active citizens and values-driven leaders.

On 22 November, the Advanced Primary Winners from Stephen Nkomo Primary had their event at their local Kwanobuhle township hall in the Eastern Cape. It was such an emotional day as the team helped 8 year old learner Sisi to get prosthetic legs and on the day of the event she managed to walk by herself on the new legs. There was not a dry eye in the room! The team learned compassion and perseverance as they worked on their project. It was clear that the project made a huge impact.

On 26 November the award ceremony for the Beginner Primary Winners from Oranje Oewer Intermediate took place at Desert Palace in Upington, Northern Cape. The venue was beautifully set up by the SGB and parents of the learners in the team. The team’s project was on environmental issues, and they brought the items they purchased with the prize money to show all the guests – from brooms to a number of cleaning materials, they are ready to improve their school’s cleanliness. The speeches by the Officials, Principal, SGB, Y-CAP teacher mentor and the winning team affirmed that the benefit of the Y-CAP project for them was becoming active citizens, making positive change in their school and being values-driven leaders.

In early 2020, the two Secondary School winners will have their award ceremonies.

Entries for Y-CAP 2020 are open until 31 March –

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