Powered by Empowervate trust, The Youth Citizens Action Programme or Y-CAP is a youth development competition-based programme that focuses on the empowerment, motivation and skills acquisition of a new generation of active citizens. Y-CAP encourages learners from Primary and Secondary schools to indentify challenges and create actions to sole or lessen the problems within their school and/or communities.
All schools and communities face social, environmental and academic challenges, many of which can be solved from a ground-up approach. By creating an environment where learners have the opportunity to brainstorm solutions a sense of ownership is cultivated and action is ensured.
When learners have a sense of ownership and the opportunity to become agents of change, positive values are instilled, their confidence and self-esteem is boosted all while developing practical skills.
The programme is powered by Empowervate Trust (NPO 132-121) and its funders and is implemented in collaboration with the National Department of Basic Education.
Y-CAP gives learners an opportunity to become agents of change with positive values that not only boosts their confidence and self-esteem but also develops important practical skills. Y-CAP focuses on developing practical skills such as:
– communication, organisation, project management, team work, leadership, time management, discipline, commitment perseverance, public speaking and information technology –
Participating in the Y-CAP programme will assist in creating a team of pro-active learners who can be role-models for those around them, with the added benefit of the prizes at national level that can be used to expand projects or start new ones.
Y-CAP is a great platform for Representative Learner Councils and Teacher Liaison Officers, but participation is not restricted to these groups and broader engagement is encouraged.
Y-CAP encourages a problem-solving and values driven mindset as a precursor to social entrepreneurship and fits naturally into Economic Management Science, Life Orientation and Business Studies.
Y-CAP enables teachers, through the practical skills instilled to become coaches and mentors to the participating teams, all while building morale and positivity in the school.