Youth Citizens Action Programme – Powered by Empowervate

Join us and get fit and active with THE CAMPUS RUN SERIES

You are invited to join us on 12 March 2023, 07:00 @ The Campus, Sloane Street and Main Road, Bryanston for the Autumn Run!
You get 5% discount on ticket prices AND the organisers will donate 5% of ticket proceeds when you use the EMPOWERVATE voucher at check out.
Join us for a fun active day, supporting the #Ichoose2BActive initiative of The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture all while aiding in our fundraising campaign to keep our programme running. (Ha, see what we did there)
Follow the link for tickets and REMEMBER to use the voucher EMPOWERVATE when paying to receive your 5% discount and to give your 5%.

TheCampusRunSeries #WannaDoEvents #AutumnRun #Empowervate #socialcohesionrsa #ichoose2bactive #departmentofsportartandculture


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