Youth Citizens Action Programme – Powered by Empowervate

Innovation in Education: Monash South Africa’s MSALead Event

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Left: The MSA Lead Fellows 2016 after their pitches

Right: William S. Reese, President & CEO, International Youth Federation (Baltimore, USA) with Empowervate Trust CEO Amanda Blankfield-Koseff

Empowervate Trust’s CEO, Mrs Amanda Blankfield-Koseff, was invited to be a panelist on the “Innovation in Education” discussion at the MSALead Event at the University in Ruimsig, Gauteng on 8 December 2016.

The discussion was heated but constructive and looked at how the education system can be supplemented or realigned to empower learners with more skills, practical experience and expertise that is more accessible and costs less (especially tertiary education).

The discussion was followed by pitches from the MSA Lead Fellows who are the first in Africa to take part in the programme that is run by International Youth Foundation’s YouthActionNet, based in Baltimore, USA. Monash SA is running the programme with 23 other youth leadership institutes in 90 countries around the world to develop leaders who can make positive changes in their communities.

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