Youth Citizens Action Programme – Powered by Empowervate

Where are they now?

This Heritage month we are looking at how the Y-CAP Alumna from Solomon Mahlangu High, Eastern Cape have been doing…we want to get your updates too!

Lubabalo Spogter

I am currently a first year student at Stellenbosch University studying BA humanities, Majoring in Psychology. YCAP has really taught me a lot, and has shaped me into the focused, goal driven individual who has acquired a lot of leadership skills. Now everywhere I go people see me as a leader. As we speak I am appointed as a student leader for where I stay. That really shows that the impact YCAP had was impeccable and visible. 

Afternoon to everyone. My name is Aqhamile Mancapa and I was part of the YCAP team in 2015.

After YCAP everything worked out well for me. I’m currently doing my N4 at TDX Campus and I’m doing Human Resource Management. I’m applying whatever I learned at YCAP…Team work, Communication, Not giving up even when times are tough. I’m now a very responsible and Confident young lady that is able to see right from wrong and make an impact in my Society and that’s all Thanks to YCAP😍😍❤❤. And ohhh I found a family that I’ll forever Cherish cause they are awesome☺❤❤i love them a lot

Kamvalethu Hlatshwayo, first year chemical engineering student at  Stellebosch University says, “I was involved with YCap 2016. Before YCap I had a  was too afraid to speak in front of an audience but YCap taught me to be able to speak in front of people and also helped me to work in a team. Now I am able to speak in front of people without be scared and also here in Varsity working as a team is key, with the skill that YCap taught me now I am able to work in teams and  contribute my views.”

Siviwe Kaleni says, “Tertiary has been great and tough at the same time . I wouldn’t be where I  am today if it wasn’t for my high school teachers and not forgetting Mama Olwen , a social worker at my former high school who made me realise the potential within me and how to be the greatest in life.  I have to say , being involved in activities such as YCAP which  thought me of morality played a big role in moulding the person I  am. Currently I am working for a logistics company doing  deliveries for SA Breweries”

I am Kamvalethu Rengqe, a student of the University of Witwatersrand. I am studying B.Sc in Computer Science.

I am one of the 2015 champions of YCAP. YCAP has had a great impact in my life. I gained so many invaluable skills, such as public speaking, team management, conducting research. Most importantly I learned the importance of giving back, making change in my community and not waiting for a saviour but be the change.

The Youth Citizens Action Program exposed me to a great new world way beyond the small township I come from. Coming from a disadvantaged background you’re told to study hard you’ll succeed but what does the success mean? Through YCAP I met so many professionals in the working world, which gave me not only motivation but also painted a picture of what success can be, pushing me to work even harder.

The Youth Citizens Action Programme is a brilliant program that gives the youth a platform to be innovative and catalysts of change in their environments to solve problems and create a better world.

I’m student Nurse  Pamela Malanga team member of  YCAP 2015 National champions, I’m in my second year at Lilitha college of Nursing in Port Elizabeth Campus doing a Four Year Diploma in Nursing Science (General, Psychiatric & Community ) and Midwifery

YCAP has helped me a lot in terms of doing community projects as a nurse it’s easy for me to brainstorm some ideas for the targeted community & also working as a team to reach & accomplishing one goal that is problem solving not forgetting public speaking 🤣🤣🙈🙈👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💃🏽💃🏽❤because as a nurse one must be able to give Health talk to the targeted community (audience) & ensure they understand the presentation …

 All Thanks to YCAP…YCAP is the BEST 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽❤

My name is Sinokhanyo Erasmus. I am 19 year old woman. I am currently working as a baker at 95 Main Bakery in Humansdorp, but I am going back to study next year as I have already applied to a few institutions.

I am a former Solomon Mahlangu learner. I matriculated in 2018. In 2016 I was doing grade 10 at the same school and I was a YCAP member.

YCAP stands for Youth Citizens Action Programme. Before I joined YCAP I was a girl who was at school with dreams hoping she will achieve them one day but wasn’t very sure how. After I joined YCAP, I had learnt a lot. YCAP has taught me to live my life based on values. One of those values is honesty. This value is one value that makes me feel a guilty conscience once I don’t do something I had promised to do. This doesn’t only work with promises I make to people but with the promises I make to myself. The other main thing YCAP has taught me is to believe in myself. You might have the brain to do things and the abilities but, if you can’t stand the challenges that come with getting the best and not Believing that you can do them, then you will never achieve them.

I would really recommend every learner in South Africa to join YCAP because YCAP comes with a lot of opportunities. The school gets to recognise its weaknesses and strengths but it’s not only the school getting the opportunity – the program helps one to build himself/herself and learn to do things within the given time frame. 

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